نگاه کن
اينا آدماي دور و بر ما هستند
اينا همکارها و اينا دوستا و اينا همکلاسي هاي ما هستند
اينا همه اونايي هستند که ادعاي معرفت و رفاقتشون عرق شرم رو روي پيشونيت مي نشونه
بوي گند اين دنيا رو برداشته با اين آدماش
سلام دكتر
به هادي بگو 2تا زندگي كنه مثله اون دوتا پيرهن ها
Of the maney men who I am , whom we are : I cannot settel the one ,They lose in cover of clothes
اين ترجمه شعر فولكلور ايراني هم براي مزاح :
Atal matal "in" "in" le!How’s Hassan’s Cow? she doesn’t have neither milk nor tits. They took her milk to India. Marry a Kurdish Woman.; you call her name Amghezy…Around her hat reddish. Hachin and Vaachin, cross one of your legs!
خبراي بدو بذار کنار. زندگي به هر ترتيب بايد بگذره
خبر خوبم اينکه من برات کامنت گذاشتم
Day after the day, love turns gray
Like the skin of dieing man
this is so good. Yesterday,today , tomarrow there are the best days if you can feel them. Days and years told with you.listen! we were yong and happiness and we will be oldman or oldwemen in the feutuer but we can so happy and relax.